
Toni Benetton played a fundamental role in the artistic working of iron in the 20th century.
He acquired international fame and esteem as one of the greatest contemporary sculptors, the most acclaimed artist working in the field of Macrosculture (Monumental Sculpture), colossal-sized works built for perfect symbiosis with their natural outdoor surroundings.

An avant-garde and original sculptor, he always reserved his deepest love and respect for iron   – combined with an insatiable curiosity – until he passed away at the age of 86, when he still had more research and experimentation projects in mind.
Blessed with a long life as a Man and as an Artist, his immeasurable production left behind a legacy that offers inspiration for study, learning, and amazement, and will continue to do so for a long time to come.

VIDEO:Toni Benetton - Per una scultura vivibile